Eternal church basement is a fealing that can be applyed to a place. It is a fealing of endless unchangingness.
Think a pine forest at night, (wind in the trees, dark sky above, it feels like the night goes on forever).
Or an abandoned building, (in the absence of humman choas and life, a building becomes a snapshot, a memory of what used to happen there)
For this reason, many places that have Eternal Church Basement do not usualy contain people.
It could be felt as a feeling of eternal oldness.
The mountain range that has not changed for thounsands of years.
The milkyway galaxy, and its planets.
The deep darkness of space.
Or, as per the name of this phenomena, the basement of a church. (usualy from the 90s or older, at least for me)
In the eye of the eternal church basement, this is what hell is.
hell is the decay of human made objects
it is filled with room upon room of unused, living, machinations
carpet that has no consistent surface, peeling, rotting into enteral putrid dark
doors that do not keep out, but keep in, consuming all behind them, consuming all before them
rooms full of unfamiliar familiars, objects left in place because that is how its always been
entropy and darkness
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire” - Mahler, Earnest